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Zugzwang: Don't Blink First

In chess, zugzwang (pronounced Tsug-svang), describes a situation where every legal move for a given player is unfavorable. Though this typically presents itself in the endgame, this can happen at any point in the course of play.

See the following board as an example:

Basic Zugzwang Example

Whichever King moves first will lose their pawn, and almost certainly the game. This becomes a situation to avoid, but also one to drive opponents towards if possible.

In a more baked-out example game (like the game below), whichever side can safely drag out their moves with the Queen-side pawns will eventually force zugzwang and gain the upper hand.

Detailed Zugzwang Example

I hope this has been helpful, and that you can avoid (or intentionally cause) zugzwang when it arises.

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